Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number (CAS Number)

CAS Registry numbers are unique identifiers for each individual chemical compound. They are not intended to be used for any purpose beyond identifying a specific chemical compound.

    More information about Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number (CAS Number)

    Substances,chemical,Chemical Abstracts Service,names,chemical compound,digits,acid,chemical substances.

    Salt,mixture,sources,check digit,regulatory bodies,Chemical Abstract Service,Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number,ester,TSCA,trade names.

    Weights,active moiety,pharmaceutical companies,structural diagrams,Chemical Abstracts,Chemical Registry System,Chemical Titles,chemical intermediate.

    Chemical Abstracts TM,chemical engineering,American Chemical,1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid,2-Propenoic acid,ethylenebisdithiocarbamic acid,carboxylic acid hydrazides,2,7-Naphthalenedisulfonic acid,tetraethyl ester,3-methyl-1-(1-methylethyl)-1H-pyrazol-5-yl ester,4-chloro-2-butynyl ester,Hazardous substances,substance records,TSCA Inv,TSCA Inventory,non-confidential TSCA Inventory,salt forms,ammonium salt,salt formulations,masked names,solvent mixtures,compounds with mixtures,electronic sources,statutory source,digit times,percent by weight,number-average molecular weight.

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