Adverse Event (AE)

Any adverse event, unintended illness or damage, or any unexpected sign or symptom (whether or not considered medically significant) in patients, volunteers, or others who receive the investigational product, whether or not associated with the use of the investigational product. This includes events occurring during administration of the investigational product and events occurring up to 30 days after the last dose of the investigational product has been administered. Events occurring within 14 days following the last dose of the comparator drug may be included if they meet the criteria for inclusion under “Adverse Event.”

An anticipated serious adverse device effect (ASADE) is one which, by its natural occurrence, incidence, seriousness, or outcome, was already identified in the risk assessment report.


More information about Adverse Event (AE)

Adverse Events,event,time,device,condition,outcome,product,medical product,clinical trials,trial,guidance,causal relationship,congenital anomaly,birth defect,common terminology,Food and Drug Administration,drugs,pharmaceutical products,requirement,safety reporting requirements,medical event,reportable events,medical devices,regulatory authority.

Process,period,interactions,providers,sites,form,protocol,pharmacovigilance,activity,systems,permanent impairment,Medical judgement,substantial disruption,mandatory reporting,Vaccine Adverse,surgical intervention,Adverse Reactions,U.S. Food and Drug Administration,applicable drug,contact with drug safety,Drug Information Association Journal,drug safety personnel.

Drug safety representative,drug safety surveillance division,Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act,internal drug safety,Postmarketing Adverse Experience Reporting for Human Drug and Licensed Biological Products: Clarification of What to Report,prescription drugs.

Surveillance for drug, Food and Drug Administration,adverse drug experience,Adverse drug reaction,product labeling,product exposure,guidelines for product discontinuation,management of products,product access,surveillance of product safety,Tissue-Based Products,applicable product,agreed-upon requirements,commitment to requirements,Distribution Requirements,ethical requirements,legal requirements,patient monitoring requirements,regulatory requirements,special requirements,nonserious events,adverse event reporting plan,adverse event terms,adverse event terminology,Adverse vaccine event,reasonable time,time after administration,time postapproval,accounting for time,device companies,device exposure,Medical Device Reporting,clinical condition,deterioration in condition,pre-existing condition,safe use conditions,authorities,health authority,responses to health authorities,applicable health authorities,coding process,approval process,reporting process,trial intervention,trial medication,2-month study period,10-minute period,2-month data collection period,direct patient interaction,drug-drug interactions,representative for interaction,involved health care providers,vaccination provider,inconsistency across sites,requirements across sites,Guidance for Industry,DRAFT Guidance for Industry: Format,CIOMS Form,registration forms,registry protocol,critique of protocols,adverse outcome,Adverse outcome pathway,pharmacovigilance practices,pharmacovigilance regulations,management activity,followup activities,monitoring systems,restricted-access system.

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