Agatha Archives

TMF Summit – TMF Case Study

TMF Summit – TMF Case Study

TMF Summit Webinar  On Demand: Successfully Connecting Sites and Sponsors with a Modern eTMFThe Trial Master File, at its core, remains about documents, files, and storage. But a modern eTMF is as much about process management as it is about document management, and...

Download Guide to Remote Site Monitoring

Download Guide to Remote Site Monitoring

This guide looks at the evolution of remote clinical trial monitoring from a technology perspective. We review the basics of clinical monitoring, the tools available and in use today, and the essential processes that a remote monitoring system must support.Take a look...

Implementing Remote Monitoring

Implementing Remote Monitoring

Webinar On Demand: Implementing Remote Monitoring: Navigating Technical & Organizational ObstaclesThe topic of remote monitoring and virtual trials is not new. But there is a new urgency to putting theory into practice in the face of the travel restrictions that...

The Future of Remote Monitoring of Clinical Trials

The Future of Remote Monitoring of Clinical Trials

When the COVID-19 pandemic started, traditional monitoring and quality management of sites became not only expensive and time-consuming but also impossible. Although things have settled somewhat, we have not gone back to normal and we likely never will. However, the...

A Site Assessment Tool for Remote Monitoring

A Site Assessment Tool for Remote Monitoring

Webinar On Demand: A Site Assessment Tool for Remote MonitoringAgatha sponsored the Proactive GCP Compliance Conference. Many dropped by our virtual booth for a chat about ClinOps technology, including TMF, Remote Monitoring, Quality, and Regulatory compliance.This...

Download Guide to Remote Site Monitoring

Indepth Guide to Remote Monitoring

Remote Monitoring & Quality ManagementA Technology GuideTABLE OF CONTENTS Remote Monitoring Basics What about Remote Quality Management? Remote Monitoring Technology Alternatives User Stories & Remote Monitoring Requirements Technical & System Requirements...

Optos Customer Story

Optos Customer Story

Optos adopted Agatha Clinical and Remote ISF to improve management of clinical trial documentation and remote monitoring of clinical trials.