Clinical Operations as a distinct corporate function and department has evolved into a standard corporate model at sponsor and CRO companies, with all the trappings: Titles (e.g. Director of ClinOps), standard roles, its own language, a bevy of software...
Agatha Archives
The eTMF Requirements You Need (Infographic)
With so many eTMF solutions available today, how do you know which one is right for you? Many of these solutions provide similar features and functionality but there are ten requirements of a modern eTMF solution that you need to look for. And we're providing them...
A Site Assessment Tool for Remote Monitoring
Webinar On Demand: A Site Assessment Tool for Remote MonitoringAgatha sponsored the Proactive GCP Compliance Conference. Many dropped by our virtual booth for a chat about ClinOps technology, including TMF, Remote Monitoring, Quality, and Regulatory compliance.This...
5 Tell Tale Signs You Are Ready for an eTMF
Webinar On Demand: 5 Tell Tale Signs You are Ready for an eTMFLearn the five indicators that clearly signal your organization is not only ready for an eTMF but needs an eTMF to continue to conduct studies effectively. You will hear how other companies have analyzed...
5 Signs You Need eTMF Software
You're having trouble managing the trial master file for your clinical trial. But how do you know if you need an electronic master file (eTMF) solution to help? It may seem like a simple answer, and maybe it is - if you’re looking at the right things. Here are five...
Optos Customer Story
Optos adopted Agatha Clinical and Remote ISF to improve management of clinical trial documentation and remote monitoring of clinical trials.
Who Needs an eTMF, Anyway?
Electronic systems for managing clinical study documentation emerged in the 1990s and have evolved through three generations. One of these applications is the electronic trial master file (eTMF). Who needs an eTMF and why use it? Read on to find out. Defining the...
Tohoku University Hospital Customer Story
Addressing Compliance Requirements with Agatha at Tohoku University HospitalWhen The Clinical Research Data Center at Tohoku University Hospital needed a more efficient and effective way to manage clinical and quality documents, they chose Agatha. The Clinical...
Software for Clinical Ops: Kill the Platform; Keep the Cannoli
I owe an apology for mangling his art to Richard S. Castellano, who improvised the famous line from the movie The Godfather. But I wanted to have a bold statement in the title about the fact that software platforms, those expensive unwieldy monoliths on which we have...
Mediscience Customer Story
Mediscience Planning Selects Agatha for Flexible, Compliant TMF ManagementMediscience Planning needed to address the increasing demand to provide trial master file management (TMF) services. Agatha’s Clinical TMF solution helped them.Founded in 1982, Mediscience...